For some, summer is more than just a break, it’s an opportunity to jump start classes! Physical therapy and athletic training students will be arriving on our Ruskin, Florida campus beginning May 30, and new OT’s will be here mid-August (i.e., before you know it!). Check out OTD student Sue’s tips for a stress-free orientation experience. […]
This week’s featured photo comes from Justin Bogard, junior physical therapy major. As a part of Gannon’s orientation staff, Justin (featured on the far left) and the other staff members were asked to entertain guests at the summer orientation program. Shown below is the entire orientation staff featured around the piano in the Waldron Lounge […]
As I am at the end of my journey here at Gannon, I wanted to leave the incoming freshman with a few tips! The first week of college can be overwhelming and scary, but use a few of these tips and you will feel at ease. 1. Go to the Activity Fair, Play Fair and […]
It’s cliché to start an article with a phrase like, “It’s that time of year again…” In this scenario, however, I’m afraid it is that time of year again. Now, this is nothing meant to detriment the scheduling process. I completely understand that there are certain priorities put in place to assure that everyone is […]
Dear New Students: Welcome to the Gannon Community! We are glad you have chosen to attend Gannon University and we look forward to your arrival on campus for Summer Orientation 2013. Beginning your college experience can be very exciting but it also has many unique challenges. We are preparing a special orientation program for you […]
While at Gannon, you’ll find that college is not just about obtaining a diploma. It is about discovering who you really are, what you believe in and the way that you want to live your life. LIFECORE is a program Gannon has developed that will help you realize all those things and so many more. […]
Right outside of the Waldron Campus Center and adjacent to the Gannon arch, Friendship Green is a refreshing oasis in an urban campus. Here are five things you ought to know about it: 1. Students are not the only ones who benefit. Friendship Green is actually owned by the Cathedral of St. Paul. With offices […]
For some people, nothing is scarier than the unfamiliar. We get comfortable in our high school surroundings, and moving on into college can be difficult. That’s why Gannon hosts a three-day event at the beginning of each school year called Preview GU. It’s basically a crash course on everything Gannon. And when I say everything, […]
Hello All! This semester, I’m taking my first economics class, which is proving to be an interesting experience. I never realized how detailed the economy is, even if you’re looking at it from a microeconomics standpoint. Keeping track of the different flows of money and products in and out of the system is proving to […]
Whenever I look back on my earliest days at Gannon University, I’m always amazed by the tiniest of details that really impacted how my last four years have gone. From the location of a freshman dorm room to the singing of a certain song, the little things can truly modify someone’s experience. For example, I […]