The dreaded computer meltdown

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You hear a lot of horror stories through the college grapevine: So-and-So got locked out of their room in their bath towel; there was an unplanned quiz in one of your classes, etc. Perhaps the most terrifying of all the stories you hear is the one about a computer crashing just hours before a 20-page […]

The nominations are in! Let the voting begin for Gannon’s Ultimate Fave 2014!

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UPDATE: Round 1 voting has closed! See the winners below! The nominations are in and it’s time to start voting for Gannon’s Ultimate Fave 2014! Through online nominations and write-in nominations at the Waldron Campus Center, Gannon students have nominated 32 locations in the quest to determine Gannon’s Ultimate Fave 2014. The winner from each of […]

Ultimate Faves: Elite Eight faves square off

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Here at GU, March Madness isn’t limited to the women’s basketball team. Edge’s Ultimate Fave tournament is down to just eight spots. Cast your votes now to determine which faves advance to the Final Four. Voting ends Monday, March 25. Favorite Place to Eat: [VOTING HAS CLOSED] Eliminated in the last round: Knight’s Cove, Sidewalk […]

Ultimate Fave 2013: Sweet Sixteen faves go head to head

2316 Views 0 Comment
The field has been narrowed to sixteen spots vying for the title of Gannon’s Ultimate Fave 2013. Vote for your favorite places and determine who advances to the Elite Eight, which will be posted next Monday. Favorite Places to Eat [VOTING HAS CLOSED] Eliminated in the last round: Beyer Cafeteria, Courtyard Cafe [VOTING HAS CLOSED] Eliminated in […]

Ultimate Fave 2013: Let the voting begin!

2038 Views 0 Comment
It’s time to cast your votes in Edge’s annual Ultimate Fave tournament. We start with 32 places nominated by you, our readers, online and on-campus. Round 1 will continue through the end of GU’s Spring Break on Friday, March 8, and Round 2 voting will start on Monday, March 11. View the complete bracket here […]

Just keep studying, just keep studying…

2149 Views 0 Comment
It’s finals week at Gannon, and underclassmen and grad students alike are hitting the books in the places where they focus best. So we were wondering: What is your favorite study spot on campus and why?   Jesstin Hamm, sophomore communication arts major: The power room. It has more computers than the library. It’s quiet […]

GU Speak: Meet Me in the Power Room

2233 Views 0 Comment
It’s a situation many students have been in before: The night before your paper is due; you sit down armed with your book, notes and caffeine, ready to produce the greatest paper your teacher has ever read… and your laptop dies. Totally and completely unresponsive, the only compressible reason being either karma or Murphy’s Law.

Prep U for GU: Gannon Glossary

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Starting your college career is an exciting time — for many, it means living in a new place (or at least commuting to one), meeting new people and starting a whole new way of life. While this can be exciting, it can also be a little daunting with questions like: Where are my classes? Who […]

Prep U for GU: Tools to Succeed

2116 Views 0 Comment
When you’re in college, you’ll be assigned all kinds of assignments. Expect papers, projects and research, and not just from classes. Extracurricular and honors activities will send things your way, too. But don’t worry, Gannon is here to help with all kinds of resources at your disposal. The biggest asset is undoubtedly the faculty, be […]

The Finals Countdown: Commuter Students Prep for Exams

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Finals week is quickly approaching here at GU, and students across campus have already begun preparing for tests. We asked a few commuter students how they prefer to prepare for their finals. Chris Sambuchin, freshman, sports management and marketing: “I think it’s more distracting to study at home because I have the TV, a car […]