Photo of the Week: Jesus in the snow

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We all know the statue by Waldron, but what does it look like when it’s covered in snow? Edge staffer Allison Kessler took this photo as the snow was coming down on a joyous Friday afternoon. Enjoy, friends.

Gannon A to Z: J is for Jesus

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A lot of people come to Gannon to get closer to Jesus. It’s actually pretty easy; he is right outside the Waldron Campus Center. Located in the middle of the campus is a life-size statue of Jesus as he sits conversing with some students. Dennis McConnell, class of 1970, funded its construction. He dedicated it […]

Merry Christmas from Edge and Gannon University!

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Merry Christmas from all of us at Edge and Gannon University! Here’s a Christmas message from Fr. George Strohmeyer, Gannon’s vice president for mission & ministry. Tis the season! Check out other Edge posts about Christmas.

Prep U for GU: Gannon Glossary

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Starting your college career is an exciting time — for many, it means living in a new place (or at least commuting to one), meeting new people and starting a whole new way of life. While this can be exciting, it can also be a little daunting with questions like: Where are my classes? Who […]