RELAX! Tips on getting your mind off of school

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Having just finished finals here at Gannon, we asked some of our peers what they do to get their minds off of school and relax. Luis Pontillo, junior theatre and communication arts major: After spending my first year in college, I realized the chaos that is the life of a true student. Having lived within […]

Freshman Finding Her Voice at GU

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Introducing Edge’s newest blog, “Fresh Ideas,” by Brianna Woods, Class of 2015. Brianna is a theatre and communication arts major from Indiana, Pa. Since you’re reading my blog entitled “Fresh Ideas,” you’ve probably come to Edge to gain perspective on what it is like to be a college freshman here at Gannon. Whether you’re a […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Useful (and Random) Links from Nicole Dohoda

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As the end of the semester approaches, and the workload teachers are assigning seems never-ending, sometimes all you need is a quick, stress-free study break to get your focus back. Here is a pre-packaged break just for you — put down your textbook and check out a few of these links — you deserve a […]