25 signs you’re an education major

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Gannon’s department offers over five different bachelor’s degrees ranging from early childhood education and early intervention to secondary education. I am now one semester away from student teaching and two semesters away from my degree in Early Childhood and Special Education. Being so far along in this program has made me realize that it has […]

The real work behind student teaching

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During the last semester of their senior year, many education majors head back to the classroom. No, they haven’t been skipping class for the last four years. They’re heading to elementary, middle and high schools for two placements as a student teacher. They’ll spend time observing students and faculty before they take over the class […]

Opportunities Abound for Gannon Education Majors

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If you’re considering a major in education, you already know there’s a whole lot more to learning to teach than making bulletin boards and coloring. The first step is deciding which education track you want to be on. The education program is broken down into three areas based on grade level. Early childhood education covers […]

Learn to Teach: Preparing for a Journey to “Oz”

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Welcome back to my blog! As some of you know, in addition to teaching, I’m also involved with Gannon’s theater productions. For every production at our Schuster Theatre, there is a day devoted to that particular show: we call this “Tech Day.” Tech Day is usually from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a Saturday […]

Learn to Teach: As Former ‘Decathlete,’ I Love Academic Decathlon!

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While most college students spent their spring break on vacation, spending time with friends or relaxing at home, I spent my spring break preparing high school students for their Academic Decathlon State Competition. What is Academic Decathlon? Academic Decathlon is a team competition where students match their intellects with students from other high schools. No, […]

Interested in Teaching? Come to Education Day on March 15

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So you’re thinking about being a teacher? Not sure yet? No worries. Gannon offers a great way for high school students to get a glimpse inside life as an education major.  It’s called Education Day, and it’s a week from today. Education Day is your chance to get a first-hand look at everything our programs in education have to offer. Get […]

Inside Gannon: Waldron Campus Center

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Wonder where GU students gather to eat, study and hang out between classes? Check out the video below as Edge contributor David Reichard takes you inside the Waldron Campus Center, the heart of Gannon’s campus. Check out other videos here. David has a new blog, Learning to Teach: Inside Education.

Learn to Teach: Goals Change as My Comfort Zone Grows

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Learning to Teach: Inside the School of Education is a new blog by David Reichard, a junior elementary and special education major from Greenville, PA. David will share his experiences studying to be a teacher and stepping into the classroom as he prepares for his future. You can reach David at reichard005@gannon.edu. Hi! Welcome to […]