Student Voices: No Winter Blues for Gannon Guides

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It’s true, Erie winters are often cold and snowy, but Gannon students make the best of it! Nobody knows our campus better than the Gannon Guides, the dedicated students who give tours to visiting families like yours.  They know how to fend off the winter blues. So, we asked them how they get through the […]

Money Talks: What to Do with Yours at Gannon University

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When preparing for college, organizing finances probably falls somewhere below buying towels on an incoming freshman’s priority list – but it deserves more thought than linens. Taking care of finances before coming to college is essential, said Renee Huefner, assistant director of financial aid at Gannon. Many local banks may not have branches in Erie, […]

Student Voices: Where Is Your Favorite Place to Go in Erie?

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For fun, food, music or the bare necessities, GU students know where to go to get what they need. Check out the rundown as we ask: Where is your favorite place to go in Erie? Joe Witkowski, sophomore sport and exercise science major: “Forward Hall is my favorite place to go in Erie, because they […]

Q&A: Campus Security

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Should I be worried about walking home after dark on Gannon’s campus? The Office of Police and Safety offers the Gannon University Escort Service Team (G.U.E.S.T.) to enhance students’ safety and peace of mind when walking home after dark. G.U.E.S.T. will provide you with a walking escort to or from any location within a reasonable […]