10 Ways to Give Back While at GU

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As part of our Catholic identity and Gannon’s mission, all students are encouraged to spend some time each semester volunteering. There are even some classes that require a certain number of volunteer hours for a grade. Here are 10 easy ways to help others in your spare time.

GU Photo Contest: Vote for the Best Shots!

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The ten finalists have been selected in Gannon’s “Favorite Spot Around Campus” photo contest. Now, it’s up to you to pick the winners. Check out the photos below, then head over to Facebook to vote!

10 Ways to Kill an Hour on Campus

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Chances are, you will have some spare time between classes or meetings. Instead of sitting idly around during those breaks, Gannon has several unique ways to kill an hour – which we’ve listed for you in no particular order 🙂

Eternal Sunshine: February is for Narrowing Your Choices

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I’ve been thinking about the timeline of a high school senior, and I’ve been figuring out where you might be in your college search process. Cause I’m nice like that. At this point, you’ve probably already sent in your applications (hopefully Gannon was one of them!), and you’re waiting anxiously for acceptance letters (Good luck […]