One Show in One Day

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The creation of a full-fledged production can range from weeks to years for professionals. Managing to make one in a 24-hour time period isn’t necessarily what anyone would call an easy feat. It’s long and strenuous 24 straight hours where naps don’t really accomplish much more than making you cranky when waking up after only […]

Stepping on stage (and out of my comfort zone)

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With the commencement of a new year and semester, I formed a set of goals and resolutions in hopes to improve myself.  Some of the objectives were small: Make sure to call my mom once a week. Some were larger: Begin exercising again. One of the more interesting resolutions consisted of a personal challenge: Do […]

Spring semester = Second time around

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As the second semester progresses, continued motivation is key. We all know that classes will become increasingly difficult, so we need to become increasingly motivated to achieve the futures we are all working towards. In some ways, this semester will be less of a challenge than last. Being away from home – farther for some […]

Becoming a student again

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While I’m getting ready to kick butt at another semester, I set new goals for myself. It’s about time I start learning again. [youtube_sc url=””]

Seize the semester, onward to adulthood

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The first month of the year is almost over. All you hear about these days are New Year’s and New Year’s resolutions. What freshmen must realize, though, is that once again we are entering a new part of our lives. Our second semester as college students has begun, and we are no longer newbies. We’re […]

Chasing the sun (and a '90s band quote)

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There is a small overpass on Interstate 79 that I pass under every time I return to Gannon after a weekend at home. It is not located near any significant cities and is miles from an exit. It was probably made in the ‘80s or ‘90s. It has no structural irregularities and if you were […]

10 Ways to Enjoy a Stress-Free Finals Week

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With finals week quickly approaching, we thought it was a good time to dole out some useful tips on how to stay stress free as the semester winds down. It’s wonderfully exciting to look forward to the classroom-free days of summer, but that can also make it hard to stay focused in school. Follow these […]