All Miller No Filler: Life (and More College) After College

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So in keeping with the name of this cleverly titled blog which will hopefully actually be recurring enough during my last few weeks at Gannon to warrant the snappy title, I’m going to cut the chase. No filler, as it were. As a senior in my final semester, I’ve had to think a lot about […]

Options abound at grad school fair

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Fact I was not aware of: 44 percent of Gannon students go on to graduate school. Another fact I was not aware of: Gannon has hosted an annual Graduate and Professional School Fair for the last 30 years. I’m glad I found out about the event because grad school information is essential not just for […]

RUNDOWN: Grad school fair and homecoming festivities

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Monday, Oct. 6: Today is Physician Assistant Day. Go hug your favorite PA student! Tuesday, Oct. 7: The Graduate and Professional School Fair will be in the Yehl Alumni Room from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Stop by to see how you can further your education! Wednesday, Oct. 8: You finally have a reason to […]

Getting the call: A short story about grad school

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“Ugh,” I think to myself, “not another Singing Valentine.” I was finalizing the Mixed Chorus’ annual fundraising project for the past three hours and was just ready to be done. Nevertheless, I pulled out my phone, and checked the number and location – mobile, AL. I bolted for the door. Last weekend I interviewed with […]

Just another interview

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It was a busy Thursday afternoon at my internship—everyone in the office was racing back and forth attempting to get everything completed before the day ended. I was just handed a huge stack of files to invoice when my phone buzzed, seemingly innocuously. Once I had a free moment I checked it, realizing it was […]

My war with the GRE

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Standardized tests are evil. There, I said it; and I’ll say it again. Standardized tests are evil. Why? Because you are made to sit (often on a hard, metal chair) for over four hours undergoing a brutal test of mental determination, which you only have vague ideas on how to prepare for.  Sometimes you must […]

Life after Gannon: Grad school

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Whether their motive is to further their education, shape themselves into a more prospective job candidate, or fulfill a requirement for their field of study, many students are choosing to pursue a graduate degree. According to the Council of Graduate Schools, 688,000 master’s degrees and 69,000 doctoral degrees are awarded each year, and that doesn’t […]

What I did with a BA (and MA) in English

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Amidst all the warnings, I became an English major. English majors aren’t real majors, they scoffed. Why are you majoring in the language you’ve spoken for 18 years? they questioned. Print media’s dead, they shouted! There’s no money in a career in writing, they whispered. Don’t go swimming for 15 minutes after eating, they purported. […]

A new perspective and GRE prep

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A new semester brings a new perspective on your studies, right? At least, it’s supposed to.  This time last year, I was getting ready to spend a semester abroad in Paris instead of returning to Gannon. This year, I’m not taking any major trips out of the country. Instead, I’m coming back to Gannon with […]

Setting goals reduces stress

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November brings a lot of changes to campus. It could be anything – the weather, the general atmosphere of campus, or even a change in friends, opinions or goals. Change is a part of life and is necessary for us to grow as individuals. We learn more and change the way we think about certain […]