After semester in France, je suis à la maison!

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When I was getting ready to leave for France, one of the biggest things people would remind me of was culture shock and I didn’t really understand why. Of course France is going to be different than the United States, no big deal. However, it actually was a big deal, obviously bigger than what I […]

Paris rules, but home's nice, too

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I have approximately three weeks left in Paris. Twenty-one days. I don’t really know where all the time has gone. Paris has become my city, a place where I can try new things and explore and live in a way that is so different and exciting from my life in the States. I’ve been so […]

The adventure begins: Sarah arrives in Paris

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Bonjour! I’ve finally made it to Paris! I’m settled in a cute little apartment in the 15th arrondissement, a quick metro ride away from most of Paris’ major landmarks and best restaurants. I’m starting to get the hang of navigating the metro and the busy streets to make it to class every day and to […]

Editor Embraces Change, Heads Overseas

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You become much more cognizant of time when there’s not much left.  Now that it’s November, my time left on Gannon’s campus is running out for this school year. I’ve had a lot of fun this year on campus. I’m beyond excited to go to France, but at the same time, I don’t want to […]

Fall Break, Homecoming and Greek Theatre(?)

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It’s hard to believe that it’s October! You can definitely tell that it’s fall, but it’s still nice enough to walk around between classes. As it is now the middle of the semester, most of my classes are getting ready for midterm exams. While I’m not too worried about any particular exam, I know that […]

Summer in Pittsburgh, Semester in Paris

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It’s great to be home in Pittsburgh for the summer. Though I’ve only been home for a short while, summer has gotten off to a great start.  As your school year comes to an end, I’m sure you’re also ready to take a break from your school work for a few months. Even though I’m […]

Freshman Year… That Was Fast!

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A lot of new experiences come with being a freshman in college. Since we just had Advising Day last week, I’ve been looking back at what I’ve done in my first two semesters here at Gannon. It’s hard to believe I already picked classes for my sophomore year – I feel like I just came […]