22 ways you know you’re a PA major

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  You have a mental breakdown at least once a month. Your entire sophomore year is spent in Zurn. You’re never really sure which year to put for your graduation date. You love your classes in Morosky, but you hate the walk there. You learn to enjoy working on dead bodies. Scrubs are the comfiest […]

RUNDOWN: Grad school fair and homecoming festivities

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Monday, Oct. 6: Today is Physician Assistant Day. Go hug your favorite PA student! Tuesday, Oct. 7: The Graduate and Professional School Fair will be in the Yehl Alumni Room from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Stop by to see how you can further your education! Wednesday, Oct. 8: You finally have a reason to […]

PA student’s summer packed with service, study abroad

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Katelyn Przybyszewski, a fifth-year student in Gannon’s physician assistant program, was pretty busy over the summer. Immediately after graduation, Katelyn took a service trip with campus ministry to Glenmary Farm in Kentucky. For the duration of the trip, the group completed different projects, including yard work, food pantry and interacting with people with intellectual disabilities. […]

12 Days of Christmas at Gannon University

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Since we’re looking past finals week toward Christmas, and in honor of 12/12/12, take a break from studying and enjoy Edge’s own “12 Days of Christmas,” featuring an array of GU students, faculty and staff (and of course, Victor E. Knight!). Who knew the Edge staff could sing?! Well, sorta… Produced by Keefer Kopco, multimedia […]

Z is for zoology

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Students who study biology must examine every living organism, from a single cell to the largest ecosystem – or all creatures great and small, as the poem goes. For those particularly interested in the processes and behavior of animals, Gannon’s zoology courses are surefire favorites. Taught by Dr. Edward Phillips and Dr. Steve Ropski, zoology […]

PA majors show unity and generosity in GUSPAS

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Gannon has many clubs just for certain majors, such as the Gannon University Society of Physician Assistant Students – GUSPAS for short. GUSPAS creates unity within the physician assistant major and career, often through service projects.  Members volunteer together on GIVE Day, participate in the Christmas Angel Program and form a team for Relay for […]

Building professional skills in an on-campus job

1990 Views 0 Comment
Sophomore social work major Ryann Gardner tells us about her experience in the physician assistant office. What is a typical day like in your work study position? I make copies for professors, file paperwork within the department and create various documents that faculty members need. It’s relatively easy. What is your favorite part of your […]

Gannon students gaze into the future

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With all the exams and projects that comprise college life, it’s easy for students to lose sight of what they’re working toward. Some, however, have a clear picture in mind. In five years, they see themselves… Jared Schaaf, freshman history/pre-law major: …continuing my education here at Gannon. I will be working hard to pay for […]

GU students set new goals for new year

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It’s a new year and a fresh start for students at GU. Many students have some ideas as to what they would like to accomplish in the second semester. Take a look at what students have their minds set on for the spring. King Fatumbi, freshman mechanical engineering major: One of my goals is to […]

Prep U for GU: The Truth About College Classes

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“Just wait until college!” “Professors won’t care if you show up or if you do your homework.” “You’ll spend all your nights staying up doing homework.” “You’re not ready for the real world yet.” These words, or ones very similar, have been spoken countless times by high school teachers. Whether intending to make a point […]