Gannon A to Z: L is for LIFECORE

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While at Gannon, you’ll find that college is not just about obtaining a diploma. It is about discovering who you really are, what you believe in and the way that you want to live your life. LIFECORE is a program Gannon has developed that will help you realize all those things and so many more. […]

Gannon A to Z: K is for Kenilworth

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Dating back to their construction in 1924, Kenilworth Apartments have been a cornerstone on West 6th Street. Purchased by Gannon in 1981, Kenilworth houses 120 students in units that accommodate two to five people. Why is it called Kenilworth? University archives hold no record of who built Kenilworth, only when it was built and purchased. […]

Gannon A to Z: J is for Jesus

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A lot of people come to Gannon to get closer to Jesus. It’s actually pretty easy; he is right outside the Waldron Campus Center. Located in the middle of the campus is a life-size statue of Jesus as he sits conversing with some students. Dennis McConnell, class of 1970, funded its construction. He dedicated it […]

Gannon A to Z: I is for Ichthi

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Ichthi is not only the Greek word for fish, but the name of Gannon’s Catholic faith-sharing group. Members meet Thursday nights in the upper lounge of Mary, Seat of Wisdom Chapel to discuss everything from theological questions (Does prayer work? How?) to moral issues (the death penalty) to personal matters (romantic relationships). They also participate […]

Gannon A to Z: H is for Harborview

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One of the most unique residences on campus, Harborview offers two-, three- and four-person apartments for upperclassmen. The building’s centralized location on West 6th and Sassafras streets makes for a short walk to just about anywhere. In fact, University Police and Safety as well as the Health and Counseling Center are found on Harborview’s ground […]

Inside the musical mind of Prof. George

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Everybody on campus knows Prof. Annmarie George is a music-lover. That’s what makes her Intro to Music class a “must-take” for so many students. But here are a few things you might not know about Prof. George. Hometown: Erie, Pa. High School: Mercyhurst Prep Favorite color: Light blue