Engagement Spotlight: RHA

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Hey guys! For this spotlight, I had the opportunity to connected with Hayley Woebse, a sophomore nursing major! The always-positive-and-full-of-life Hayley told me about a great opportunity to get involved on campus! RHA, or Residence Hall Association, is an organization dedicated to establishing a thriving community on campus. For students looking to get involved or interested […]

Where would Disney characters live on Gannon’s campus?

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If Simba was a human, what would his life be like? More importantly, if Simba was a college student at Gannon University, where would he live? This isn’t the safari, after all. Gannon doesn’t have living quarters a la Pride Rock. So, if Disney characters were transported to the realm of Gannon University as college […]

#DormHacks: DIY tips for campus living

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Living in a 15’x15’ box with another person is a huge adjustment when moving to college as a freshman. Most of us are used to having our own rooms, privacy in the bathroom and a full kitchen to cook our meals. Here are some tips and tricks to conquer your new home away from home. […]