Internship Opens Doors, Narrows Focus

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Summer is drawing to an end and it’s time to crack open the books. I’ve had one of the best summers ever.  I’ve had an amazing internship and got to do many things this summer that I would not have done outside of Erie. I cannot say enough good things about my nursing internship at […]

Kim’s Summer = Work, Intern, Beach, Repeat

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Hey Guys! I’m glad it’s summertime — I am happy to be done with classes for a few months. Junior year was definitely tough, but I learned so much in the past year and have really grown as a person and a future nurse. I had two weeks of free time before I started my […]

Nursing Student Sets Sights on Summer Internship

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I think spring is on its way – at least let’s cross our fingers and hope that it is. This semester is really flying by, we are already past week seven, and there are only twelve weeks in the semester. I feel like yesterday was Christmas and we were still enjoying winter break! Soon enough […]