Finals Week, a Meme Thread

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Finals Week is approaching, meaning all chaos is about to set in. You totally forgot it was coming didn’t you. via GIPHY You procrastinate studying and just continue your latest binge watch on Netflix. via GIPHY But when you finally crack open your notes it’s like complete gibberish. via GIPHY You forget what days without […]

Playlist: Finals Week 2017

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All right, I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I’ve had so much fun writing this semester, but it’s time for this semester to come to an end. The end of the semester equals finals week, which we all love so much. Music is the only thing that has saved me during finals, so […]

Embracing Intellectual Wellness during Finals Week at GU

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As this semester at Gannon University concludes and finals week approaches, Good for U looks to end 2016 on a note of wellness by reminding the campus community to embrace their intellectual wellness as they prepare for final exams. Intellectual wellness is defined as the ability to open our minds to new ideas by pursuing […]

Preserving your mental health through the stress of finals season

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The atmosphere around this time at most college campuses is one of high stress and busy bodies. This goes for professors and students! It is difficult not to get wrapped up in it and keep a healthy perspective, but taking care of yourself and stepping back to live in the moment is something that is […]

Just keep studying, just keep studying…

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It’s finals week at Gannon, and underclassmen and grad students alike are hitting the books in the places where they focus best. So we were wondering: What is your favorite study spot on campus and why?   Jesstin Hamm, sophomore communication arts major: The power room. It has more computers than the library. It’s quiet […]

GU Speak: Meet Me in the Power Room

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It’s a situation many students have been in before: The night before your paper is due; you sit down armed with your book, notes and caffeine, ready to produce the greatest paper your teacher has ever read… and your laptop dies. Totally and completely unresponsive, the only compressible reason being either karma or Murphy’s Law.