[VIDEO] Tales from Edge: Compu-wha?

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Technological miscommunication between editors leads to a decrease in productivity…and a messy office floor. [youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/ztX3VztBCYU”] Check out the other videos in the Tales from the Edge Office series.

GU Speak: Get Rec’d

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On a normal day, the Carneval Athletic Pavilion is flooded with students feverishly attempting to ward off that college weight gain. However, St. Patrick’s Day is not a normal day. Every year around St. Patrick’s Day, KnightLIFE hosts Get Rec’d. The event gives students the opportunity to win prizes, play fun games and socialize with […]

Jeff Slater: The man behind the beakers

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When students think of work study, they might envision hours cooped up in a cafeteria or mail room. But there are so many more jobs available! Welcome to “Knights at Work,” new a feature looking at work study jobs through the eyes of the students who perform them. For the first installment, we talked to […]

@GU: Break away from studies for fun-filled February

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The semester is well underway and we’re beginning to feel the time crunch. We have to remember to drag ourselves out of the library and shut the books for at least an hour. To help, here’s a list of things going on in and around campus this month. – The Activities Programming Board (APB) has […]

Relaxing in my last semester

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With my very last semester at Gannon underway, it has finally sunk in that this is it – the end of my time here at Gannon. And to be honest I’ve come to terms with it. I’m looking forward to moving on to a brand new phase in life and setting out on an exciting […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Clicking in the new year

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It’s a brand new year, which can only mean one thing: brand new links for your reading (or watching) pleasure. – With MLK Day only two days away, it’s time we take a look at what the holiday really stands for. That’s why Gannon’s Center for Social Concerns wants you to check out this video.

Top Posts of 2011: Editors’ Picks

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Yesterday, we ran down a list of the ten most popular Edge posts of 2011. Now, it’s our editors’ turn. Check out each editor’s picks for the top posts (and runners-up) of 2011. Did your favorites make the list?

Oral Presentations: The Horror! The Horror!

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Everyone has been there at one point or another. It’s the first day of class and your professor loudly and happily announces that there will be a required oral presentation at the end of the semester. I used to think that they announced it only to see an entire classroom shift into a state of […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Hungry for the Holidays

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With the holiday season right around the corner, Gannon has fostered the spirit of giving within the community and also begun preparations for one of the largest basketball tournaments in the area. Read the latest Gannon buzz in these links from local media. – While most people were gathered with their families and friends on […]

@GU: December Delights on Gannon’s Campus

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With the semester winding down, there are lots of things gearing up here on campus. Take a look at some of those events in this months @GU. A modern adaptation of the Greek play Lysistrata will be performed at Gannon University’s Schuster Theatre December 1-10. The play centers on a conspiracy by the Greek women […]