Goodbye, Erie. Aloha, vacation!

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Getting to travel is always a privilege, especially if that trip is for leisure. Possibly one of the best vacations I’ve ever had was this past winter break, when I had the chance to visit my aunt and uncle in Kaneohe, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. I had been there with my family before, for […]

Leaving home and going back again

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I feel like Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz.” No, I’m not confused about my gender; I’m talking about my journey through college. Let’s pretend that college is Oz. At the beginning, both are terrifying with all the new places, new people, and usually no one immediately around to help. Suddenly, you’re not in Kansas […]

Ad-Lib: New Year Brings Dramatic Changes

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope your winter break has been wonderful and relaxing — I know mine has been. Now is a time for New Year’s resolutions. Of course there is always the “I’m going to lose weight,” and the “I’m going to be more organized,” but this year my resolution is to find […]

Eternal Sunshine: The “Between” Phase

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There is always that time between Christmas, New Year’s and going back to school that feels sort of strange. I mean – don’t get me wrong – I’ll take all the days off I can get before packing up and heading back north! But still, it’s that time after getting and giving presents where you finish […]

Going Home for the Holidays: The First Trip Down Memory Lane

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Finals week is wrapping up. This means that besides vocabulary words, projects with rapidly approaching due dates and never-ending essays, the only thing on everyone’s mind is Christmas break. This is by far the most exciting and stressful time of the year. With so much going on, it’s easy to let everything become a stressor. […]