Happy New Year everyone! I hope your winter break has been wonderful and relaxing — I know mine has been.

Now is a time for New Year’s resolutions. Of course there is always the “I’m going to lose weight,” and the “I’m going to be more organized,” but this year my resolution is to find a job that I’m excited about and to start my career off on the right foot. True, I don’t graduate until May, but if this semester goes nearly as fast as last semester, graduation will be here in a flash.

I’ll be receiving a bachelor’s degree in theatre and communication arts. What would I really like to do? I would love to go to Los Angeles and start there, but I have a feeling I’m going to need a few years to reach that goal. My time at Gannon is winding down, but I still have so much to do.  There’s still a whole semester of classes, including Theatre Research & Thesis where I have to research a topic for a semester and write a 20 page paper on that topic. It will be intense, but it shouldn’t be too bad, right?

Also, there are still plenty of shows going on in the theatre that I’m going to be a part of, whether it’s onstage or behind the scenes. So, really, I have a lot left to do before I walk across the graduation stage.

You’re probably sharing some of these same feelings.  Senior year, college acceptances and decisions, decisions, decisions. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but just know that you can make decisions to make your future exactly what you want. Make a resolution to yourself to choose what you think is best for you. That will let you make the next four years of your life spectacular. This is your year.  Have fun with it, and make the most out of every day.

Hasta luego-


As Kathleen works towards college graduation, we know you’re working towards your high-school graduation. Keep track of your to-do list with our College Search 101 series.