Playlist: Graduation Style

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Congratulations! You did it! You’re graduating (or at least dreaming about it!). What an exciting and momentous time! This calls for a celebration (playlist)! We’ve curated a few songs that will help set the mood for that big beautiful day. Give it a listen while you’re donning your cap and gown. Enjoy this day, smile, […]

A Senior’s Goodbye to Edge (Mad Lib Edition)

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I’ve never been great at goodbyes so writing this one was weighing on me. How do I put it all into words? I decided the best way would be by doing what I’ve been doing at Edge since I started: having fun with it. So instead of a real goodbye with lots of emotion in […]

Other Side: Plans

2351 Views 0 Comment
I had many plans for my very last semester at Gannon University. I had planned to have mountains of job offers and a job secured right after graduation. I had planned to take my boards as soon as possible so I could become licensed and begin working. I had planned to move out of my parent’s house […]

If I Could Go Back in Time

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For those of you who don’t know, I am a senior Advertising Communication major graduating this upcoming May. I’m your typical college chick for multiple reasons: I love my friends, love food and stay busy with class projects. One area where I may not be your typical college student is that along with 18 credit […]

Emotions of Graduating (as Told by Memes)

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Graduating from college is a big ol’ mixed bag of emotions. You’ve spent the last four (or maybe five or six or seven–no judging!) years at a place you now call home. Now that you’re finally prepping for departure and going off into the real world, you may feel an onslaught of bittersweet feelings. And […]

Delicious ambiguity: After graduation, what comes next?

1533 Views 0 Comment
“What do you want to do when you graduate?”  This is a question that I’ve been hammered with since my first day of college.  I was expected to have my career path chosen by the time I was a freshman in high school.  I took a personality test, answered a few questions, and boom, I […]

Working on the edge

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Walking across campus as a senior is an interesting thing. No matter where you go, it’s sure to stir up some memory somewhere. Four years is a relatively short time, but the amount of memorable moments crammed in there is daunting. Every landmark has a fuzzy overlay of some crazy thing you did. As my […]

A letter to my freshman self

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Dear college freshman me,   Hey, you, congratulations on graduating and starting college. Hard to believe where the last four years have gone, right? I know that feeling; I’m experiencing it right now. Friends are out and I’m sitting at home, being pensive and writing this letter and doing the homework that you waited until […]

Hitting the road after graduation

1869 Views 0 Comment
Well this is it, my last blog. I know, I know it’s a sad moment in all of our lives. I want to thank you all for listening to my ramblings over the last semester; it’s been a blast. After graduation I will be going on a road trip! I’m going with my roommate down […]