Commence the commencement

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It’s finally almost here, the day many seniors have been anxiously waiting for or dreading.  It’s what every student works toward during their college years. It marks the end of an era, and quite possibly the end of formal education for some. It’s a time to celebrate with your friends and family because you did […]

Tips for making the homestretch

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Easter break came at the perfect time this year- right in the middle of April, now we have a little over a week left of class and then finals week! Here are a few tips to get you through the rest of the year strong: Make time for breaks! Schedule 10-minute breaks when you’re studying […]

Moving on out

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Four score and well, four years ago, leaving home was the ultimate goal. When deciding on college, I knew I wanted to be somewhere a little farther away from home. I didn’t want to live at home; I wanted to be somewhat on my own. That’s why I chose Gannon, which is a good six […]

DON’T SAY IT! Avoiding words for senior year

1627 Views 0 Comment
“Hey, how does it feel to be a…” DON’T SAY IT! “Are you excited that you’re going to…” I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALA! These are my reactions to the innumerable questions I am receiving about my last year of college. I am refusing to let anyone drop the “S-word” or the “G-word” in my presence […]

Granting a Twilight Wish

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During this semester, I took Business Policy – a course that is required of all senior business majors to graduate. I did not have much enthusiasm for participating in this class during my last semester at Gannon since it has been known as the “gross anatomy” of the business department.  As I sat down for […]

Moving on up to the top

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Why are changes so hard to deal with? Just think, has there ever been a time in your life where the thought of doing something you have never done before frightened you? It could also be exciting. But why do we have all the emotion? Change happens all the time, so why do we treat […]

Walk on: Thoughts from a graduating senior

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Back when I was in high school I took nightly walks around the neighborhood. I took the same pre-determined path almost every night – one that was very easy to remember and was just a little more than a mile. In my mind, the path was always broken down into three distinct parts. The first […]

Conor Potter: Where’s my letter from Hogwarts?

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Life can be pretty disappointing at times. For example, I’ve been waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter for nine long years now. Not to worry, though. I’m sure it’s just mixed up in the mail! But on a more serious note, the start of a new semester is a sign that there’s one less semester […]

Why I'll remember what I'll remember

1869 Views 0 Comment
I want to talk about psychology, something that my co-blogger Matt would be better suited to talk to you about. In the field of psychology there is a theory known as the serial position effect. This effect was first introduced by Hermann Ebbinghaus, as he did the research on, oddly enough, himself. The serial position […]

Don’t rain on my parade (just hire me!)

1824 Views 0 Comment
The word(s): don’t rain on my parade Even though I’ve got a few years before graduation, I sometimes like to poke around job search engines. Why so early? Whether I’m watching the news or standing in line at Wegman’s, I hear phrases like “in this economy” or “with the job market so bad,” or my favorite, “the […]