A New [School] Year & Self-Care

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As the new school year sets in, we begin to experience the  typical cocktail of excitement, nervousness, & sometimes anxiety that comes along with the start of a new year. Whether you are a first-time college student or a second-year graduate student like myself, it’s important to take time to practice self-care. Please feel free […]

Preserving your mental health through the stress of finals season

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The atmosphere around this time at most college campuses is one of high stress and busy bodies. This goes for professors and students! It is difficult not to get wrapped up in it and keep a healthy perspective, but taking care of yourself and stepping back to live in the moment is something that is […]

Finals Week Playlist: Alright

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  It’s almost the end. Summer awaits. But first you have to get through the gauntlet of finals week. Everyone has different ways of dealing with the stress and making it through. If you’re like me, you deal with it through music. You spend all week with headphones in, bumping whatever songs make you feel […]

Best Apps of April

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Being a college student, I have to use my money wisely and when most needed. When looking for entertainment, I keep in mind how much to spend and try not to go over my limit. With apps for the smartphone, I am able to entertain myself in my free time and take breaks between long […]

Edge Playlist: Springtime Overload

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    Boy, do I have a good one for you this time, folks. Last year, I gave you a playlist for the season, simply titled: “Spring!” This time around I went a little weirder with the song selection to give you as much of those springtime good vibes as possible. The result is 10 […]

RELAX! Tips on getting your mind off of school

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Having just finished finals here at Gannon, we asked some of our peers what they do to get their minds off of school and relax. Luis Pontillo, junior theatre and communication arts major: After spending my first year in college, I realized the chaos that is the life of a true student. Having lived within […]

Ad-Lib: New Year Brings Dramatic Changes

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope your winter break has been wonderful and relaxing — I know mine has been. Now is a time for New Year’s resolutions. Of course there is always the “I’m going to lose weight,” and the “I’m going to be more organized,” but this year my resolution is to find […]