CLICK-WORTHY: Clicking in the new year

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It’s a brand new year, which can only mean one thing: brand new links for your reading (or watching) pleasure. – With MLK Day only two days away, it’s time we take a look at what the holiday really stands for. That’s why Gannon’s Center for Social Concerns wants you to check out this video.

GU students set new goals for new year

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It’s a new year and a fresh start for students at GU. Many students have some ideas as to what they would like to accomplish in the second semester. Take a look at what students have their minds set on for the spring. King Fatumbi, freshman mechanical engineering major: One of my goals is to […]

The Erieite: Missing My (Other) Family

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Christmas break is usually a time for Gannon students to travel back to their homes to reunite with family they’ve not seen for many months. Since I am originally from Erie, the farthest I have to travel is the 20 miles back to my hometown. I usually stay in my apartment and just go home for […]

Ad-Lib: New Year Brings Dramatic Changes

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope your winter break has been wonderful and relaxing — I know mine has been. Now is a time for New Year’s resolutions. Of course there is always the “I’m going to lose weight,” and the “I’m going to be more organized,” but this year my resolution is to find […]

Eternal Sunshine: The “Between” Phase

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There is always that time between Christmas, New Year’s and going back to school that feels sort of strange. I mean – don’t get me wrong – I’ll take all the days off I can get before packing up and heading back north! But still, it’s that time after getting and giving presents where you finish […]

The Joe Show: A New Decade

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I hope you had a wonderful Christmas; I certainly did! The holiday season is so full of hope and generosity. Christmas has passed, and tomorrow night we’ll be entering a new decade! I’m not sure if it’s the same for you, but for me, the past 10 years have come and gone like lightning.