Erie Winter Wear: Cool or Be Cool

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As I hail from Buffalo, I have the winter drill down to a system. I start by dressing normally, then I add a second pair of socks. Next, I wrap one of my pashmina scarves around my neck (they work really well at blocking wind as opposed to regular scarves) and put my jacket on. […]

PLAYLIST: Cozy winter tunes

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Don’t get the doldrums of winter get you down. When it gets this cold, curling up under a blanket with a good book and some coffee or hot chocolate is a perfect cure. Or, since life is hectic, staying warm and comfortable while doing homework could be a form of sanctuary from the cold. Enjoy this […]

How to win at winter

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Oh, winter, how I loathe thee. I’m so excited to see you come Christmas or New Year, but once January ends, you are no longer welcome in my life. January to March is a long stretch to go without feeling the warmth of the sun. During these months, it’s easy to feel exasperated and figure […]

5 tips for warding off dry skin

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Does the winter air crack your skin? Cold temperatures, dry indoor air and hot showers can all contribute to dry skin. I’m not skipping out on hot showers, especially on those cold nights, so to help my skin, I am adding more moisture into my daily routine. Here are some of my best tips to […]

Holiday entertainment hits Erie

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Christmas time means Christmas cheer, and if you’re looking for some holiday-themed entertainment around Erie, you’re in luck. Like theatre? The Erie Playhouse and Warner Theatre have you covered with some Christmas classics. The Erie Playhouse will present “Elf” through Jan. 4. Check out dates and times here. The Playhouse will also hold its New Year’s […]

Winter date ideas: Aaron-tested, girlfriend-approved

1918 Views 0 Comment
By now, dear reader, you ought to know me. I’m a writer, music enthusiast, hater of haunted houses and a bit of a food connoisseur. What you may not know about me is that I’m also a maître de la romance. For those who don’t speak the language of love, that’s a “master of romance.” […]

Editor likens crossing street to final Washington battle

1724 Views 0 Comment
“My favorite thing about Erie is the snow.” Said no one ever. In fact, harsh winters are arguably the worst aspect of day-to-day life in “the mistake by the lake.” They’re certainly the most talked about. The second snow begins to fall, students take to Facebook, posting pictures of snow-covered lawns and praying for canceled […]

[Redacted]: Choose your own adventure

2037 Views 0 Comment
I have been living in Erie for more than 20 years, and in that time I’ve endured bitter winters, disappointing summers and countless missed buses. I’m sure I’ll devote an entire post to the glories of “the e” another day. I love Erie. Sure, all of these specific instances make it seem like Erie is […]

A Visit from Victor E. Knight

1933 Views 0 Comment
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the ‘partment Not a pencil was stirring, not even a parchment; Laptops were logged on to Angel with care, In hopes that our grades soon would be there; My roommates were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of A-plusses danc’d in their heads, With books […]

Freshies, it’s cold outside!

1914 Views 0 Comment
Well, despite every lecture about college I have ever heard in my life, I never really understood how fast it would go by. I keep thinking, “How is it the end of the first semester?” Maybe it’s because it is freshman year, and we are all still getting used to it and all that jazz, […]