Technology: Life Enhancing or Inhibiting? Probably Both.

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Evolution is a funny thing. It can change things rapidly – or so slowly – that you don’t even realize it. Technology is a lot like evolution. It can swing one of two ways, either it can rapidly progress or it can move at turtle speeds. Cellphones fall under the category of rapid. Over the […]

"Gannon Style" starring Victor E. Knight

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It’s the last day of Finals Week. Ready to kick back and relax? Whether you need a break from last-minute studying or you want to celebrate the start of Christmas break, you’ve got to check out our latest video project. We call it “Gannon Style,” and it features our Golden Knights mascot, Victor E. Knight. […]

CLICKWORTHY: Nicole’s Study Break Links

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The end of the school year is finally here for college students. We know you high school students have a few more weeks left, but to help get you through the final push we’ve got a few Internet gems to brighten up your day. – Erie is said to have some of the most beautiful […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Music, Money and a Kitten on a Slide

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Hey again! It’s that time once again where we’re servin’ up a fresh batch of internet gems to give you a little break from studying, working or reading up on all the goodies here on Edge. -Who doesn’t love music? I’ve always got my iPod in my pocket and I’m listening to something no matter […]

The Joe Show: Behind the Scenes of Edge Videos

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I’m usually behind the scenes of the Edge videos. I write scripts, do camera work and edit many of the videos. Editing takes a lot longer than anyone would think. I’m always bad at judging how long it’ll take. I say I’ll be able to edit in an hour and it takes me three. The […]