Dream it. Achieve it. Simple, right? Did you make any resolutions for 2015? If you need a little help keeping those resolutions or adjusting them, read on.
In 2014, some of the top New Year’s Resolutions were: lose weight, volunteer to help others, quit smoking, get a better education and get fit. These are all noble resolutions. BUT, if you don’t break it down to smaller steps and plan for success, you are less likely to live out your resolution.
I have a communications degree and I love goal setting, writing SMART objectives and planning. Of course you don’t need to write a 10 step campaign to fulfill your resolution (although I could write one for you.) Let’s reframe the whole resolution thing and get down to business. First, whatever you decided is your ‘resolution’ is now your ‘goal,’ because a goal is more tangible and attainable. Set a deadline and check-in points to monitor your goal achievement progress. Next think of three really important things that you need to do to achieve your goal. These will be your SMART objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Research-based and Time bound. By adhering to this clever pneumonic, you will be more empowered to reach your goals.
An example of a SMART objective for weight loss resolutions would be: complete 120 minutes of cardio each week, bring 2 healthy snacks to class each day and sign up for a race that occurs in June. Another example using volunteering to help others would be as your goal: reach out to 3 appealing organizations to learn about volunteer opportunities by February 28, volunteer for 15 hours during the month of March, raise $100 by April for chosen organization.
Don’t forget to plan it out. Write your deadlines in your planner so you can see them. Once you’ve accomplished your original goal make a new one. By breaking down a seemingly large task, you are making it more achievable and actionable. Now go and conquer your goals!