Checking in on New Year’s Resolutions

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Dream it. Achieve it. Simple, right? Did you make any resolutions for 2015? If you need a little help keeping those resolutions or adjusting them, read on. In 2014, some of the top New Year’s Resolutions were: lose weight, volunteer to help others, quit smoking, get a better education and get fit. These are all noble resolutions. […]

Becoming a student again

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While I’m getting ready to kick butt at another semester, I set new goals for myself. It’s about time I start learning again. [youtube_sc url=””]

Seize the semester, onward to adulthood

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The first month of the year is almost over. All you hear about these days are New Year’s and New Year’s resolutions. What freshmen must realize, though, is that once again we are entering a new part of our lives. Our second semester as college students has begun, and we are no longer newbies. We’re […]

A new approach to New Year’s resolutions

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Many people use the beginning of a new year to better themselves in one way or another. Setting a new year’s resolution can be a fun challenge, but it comes with great responsibility to hold true to this goal for an entire year. Normally I do not have a New Year’s resolution unless it’s something […]