Sara’s has opened for the summer, and we’re so ready to go get foot-long Smith’s hot dogs, fries with hot ranch sauce and orange sherbet twist cones!
A ‘50s style fast food restaurant known for, well, everything previously mentioned, Sara’s is located right before the entrance to Presque Isle. It’s a great place to stop while visiting the beach and brings together all the smells and tastes that make summer so great.
If you haven’t experienced this place, take a trip and enjoy the food while you walk to the lake. Sara’s has indoor and outdoor seating, so you can enjoy the weather or take cover. You’ll meet plenty of out-of-state travelers there to enjoy Presque Isle’s sun and water and Sara’s food.
We can’t say enough about Sara’s! What’s your favorite item on the menu?
Erika Krenn offers ways to get an early taste of summer – Sara’s among them!