Entering my sophomore year held such promise and hope– no longer being a freshman, I could disregard those pesky visitation hours and have people over whenever I wanted. Additionally, I moved into an on-campus apartment with three friends, and we were eager to start managing our own household. Also, I was beginning to take classes that actually pertained to my major instead of annoying general education classes. On top of it all, I even decided to step-up and take on a few leadership positions in some organizations.
Here’s the stuff nobody warned me about: no visitation hours meant my three lovely roommates could have visitors over at all hours of the night, even if I had an 8 a.m. class the next day. Living in the apartment sometimes resembles an episode of “Hoarders” more than it resembles an episode of “FRIENDS,” especially when all four of the inhabitants are often too busy to extensively clean. My classes for occupational therapy are becoming more and more challenging, and I still have to juggle those with some bothersome general education courses (Medieval Philosophy? Statistics??). Even the leadership positions are proving to be more stressful than enjoyable. Currently, college is feeling like a burden.
In short, I have reached what most college insiders call the “sophomore slump.”
Most people define the sophomore slump as the period in which a college student has a bit of an existential crisis. They finally have to decide on a major; they struggle to find meaning in their pointless core requirement classes; they’re realizing college isn’t all about free t-shirts and pizza. It’s becoming hard work. The “honeymoon phase” of college is wearing off, and reality is setting in. They have to cope with imminently approaching adulthood.
I’m riding out the sophomore slump by drinking a lot of black coffee and contemplating the meaning of life while listening to a lot of Bon Iver. While I’m only half-kidding, I am trying to find meaning and joy in my everyday occurrences.
Juggling occupational therapy classes while taking trivial required courses might be stressful at points, but it is teaching me a lot about time management. My apartment might be a bit of a disaster area some days, but at least I’m living with three of my best friends. Leadership opportunities might involve a lot of meetings and organizational skills, but it will look good on job applications some day. Looking at the big picture can remind you of your goals and add a bit of perspective.
To my fellow sophomores who are feeling uninspired as well, know that the feelings will pass. It’s rough feeling like the Jan Brady of the academic grades (not quite the mature Marcia Brady’s, but not cute and naïve like the freshmen Cindy’s), but the most you can do is ride-out the sophomore slump.