Cleaning toilets, smashing spiders and other new adventures

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Back-to-school is always an exciting time on my annual calendar.  There is something about buying a pack of No. 2 pencils that refreshes my spirit, and motivates me to do my best in the upcoming school year.  Despite being almost 20 years old, I still pounce on the opportunity to inhale a deep whiff of […]

Packing at the Last Minute? You’re Not Alone…

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As you’re reading this, I am lying on the beach in the Outer Banks, enjoying the sun and a good book. Alright, I’m not. I’m probably scrambling like a mad person trying to fit every last possible thing into my suitcases. Yes, multiple suitcases—because I’m not just packing for vacation, I’m also packing up my […]

GU Upperclassman Shops for Apartment Essentials

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I’ve slowly been starting to search for the items I need to bring to my apartment for next semester and it has definitely been a reality check. A lot of the things are the same as last year, such as bed sheets and clothing. However, since I will have an apartment, I am going to […]