And Then It Was Now: Edge

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Hello! It has been quite a while since I’ve written a blog post, but I figured it’s time to check back in. If you’re reading this, thank you for supporting student writers and creators! I would also like to thank Gannon for understanding the importance of giving students a creative platform and helping Edge to […]

6 Signs From Your Family That You Are An Adult

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During Thanksgiving, Christmas and now just ahead… Easter, I have noticed a shift in the way my family engages me. Could this change of attention have anything to do with being 20? Here, I have compiled a list of six signs from your family that you are an adult: Your grandmother keeps knitting baby hats. […]

“Wife Material” and the Perception of Others

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tldr; “Just be yourself, you are wonderful and no one is going to fault you for just being yourself.” I’ve been thinking… wife material, what constitutes being “wife” material? The answer is nothing at all. This one is for all of you women who think you are not “wife” material. I am here to tell you […]

Sabrina’s Traveling Checklist

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Not going to lie – I am completely terrified. Who wouldn’t be when you are about to travel to a different country and live there for over two months? Traveling to a different country is hard enough. Navigating the airports, attempting to read street signs and trying to learn at least some of the language […]

A Open Letter For the Struggling Student

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For anyone who is struggling this semester – this is for you. I know you may feel tired or lost. It happens to the best of us. Actually, it happens to all of us at least once in our lives. You have no idea how to fix things and that’s okay. No one has all […]

Going to College Without Your High School Best Friend

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It’s tough; the person that was always there with you in school to get you through the good and bad times isn’t there anymore. I was really worried when I chose a different university than my best friend. How would I live without her to complain to for the next four years? Granted, we each […]

Empathy and Sympathy: What Exactly is the Difference ?

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Not only in the healthcare profession is it important to know the difference between empathy and sympathy and when to use them, but it’s  also beneficial to know the differences while engaging in everyday conversations. First, it can be useful to know the definitions of both words, before placing them into any sort of context. The […]

Valentine’s Day: A Few Things You May Have Missed

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With Valentine’s Day here, I thought I would discuss some cliche details that most people never bring up. The most important detail to mention is that chocolate is half-off the day after Valentine’s Day. I repeat:  CHOCOLATE IS HALF-OFF. Why more people do not advertise this or talk about it is astounding. Forget getting me […]

An Open Letter to My Heroes at Gannon

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First, I have to mention that even though I do not say it often, I love you guys! You make my day so much brighter and weirder. And most importantly, you make Gannon home. From making tea to screeching velociraptor noises at each other from across the room, I would never change us for the […]

New Year, Same Me

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How many of you took the time to think of a New Year’s resolution? How many of you abandoned that resolution a month after making it? A week? A day? The point is that society empathizes “New Year, New Me,” but how long does that really last? A more accurate term society should coin is […]