Fringe Fest Erie 2015: Week 2

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Fringe Fest Erie has already showcased significant student talent, but there’s more coming in the second week! Two student-written productions, as well as three associate productions are on the slate for the week:  “Like Father, Like Son” By Roman Denisyuk. Directed by Roman Denisyuk and Todd Paropacic. Based on a true story that occurred in Erie, […]

What happened on the way to the forum with Rev. Shawn Clerkin

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Photo courtesy of Rick Klein If you’ve been around the Schuster Theatre, chances are you’ve come across Father Shawn Clerkin. Father Shawn, the Director of Theater for Gannon University, is one of the more colorful faculty members at the school. He’s currently directing the spring musical, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the […]

‘Termination’ tackles serious issue at the Schuster Theatre

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Imagine a world where you needed to apply for a suicide. You would travel to a government owned Suicide Center, fill out stacks of paperwork (similar to filing out mortgages or taxes), and then choose the method in which you would die. Such is a world in Samuel Birntkrant’s one-act play, “The Termination.” “The Termination” […]

Residence Life offers roommate advice

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Living with a roommate can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. But when music blares past midnight and dishes pile up in the sink, the claws come out. Like all aspects of college, it is not without its challenges and solutions. Conor Grey, a senior pre-med major, is familiar with the more common problems that […]

Monday, Monday and California dreamin’

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I had a very “The Mamas & the Papas” week last week. (You know, “Monday, Monday / Can’t trust that day…”) The chorus of “Monday, Monday” played on repeat in my head. It’s certainly a day that I don’t really care to trust. And really, every other day of the week is fine. Besides Monday, the […]

Making my directorial debut

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Theatre is important to me. That’s the easiest, most straightforward way of describing my passion for and love of drama. Usually, I can be found onstage or behind it in some capacity for every show produced at the Schuster Theatre. This semester I have a unique opportunity. Every March, the Schuster presents a “Mini-Fringe” festival, […]

Conor Potter: Where’s my letter from Hogwarts?

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Life can be pretty disappointing at times. For example, I’ve been waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter for nine long years now. Not to worry, though. I’m sure it’s just mixed up in the mail! But on a more serious note, the start of a new semester is a sign that there’s one less semester […]

The double life of a college student

1993 Views 0 Comment
I’ve never really heard someone say, “Man, I’m sure glad break is over. It was just way too long.” To most people break always ends too soon, but I can honestly say that this time around I began to miss school. Sure, parts of school can be a pain – mainly the workload – but […]

Adventures out of the Shire

1990 Views 0 Comment
Thank God that Christmas break is getting closer. Like every other person on campus I am very much anticipating the break. That’s not only because it’ll be the end of classes and exams – and possibly the world – but most importantly “The Hobbit” will finally be released. I will at last have the time […]

Old friends, new friends, fun friends, blue friends

1932 Views 0 Comment
With winter rolling in, I can feel that the semester is almost over, which is equally exciting and frightening. OK, it’s certainly more exciting. But on a serious note, I am faced with the reality that I will return home for Christmas break to all of my high school friends and acquaintances from what seems […]