Fall Break, Homecoming and Greek Theatre(?)

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It’s hard to believe that it’s October! You can definitely tell that it’s fall, but it’s still nice enough to walk around between classes. As it is now the middle of the semester, most of my classes are getting ready for midterm exams. While I’m not too worried about any particular exam, I know that […]

Actuarial Science: The Math of Risky Business

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Not everyone has a way with numbers, but if you’re one of those lucky few who do and you enjoy crunching numbers, a major in mathematics with a concentration in actuarial science may be for you. Actuarial science students take all the classes required for a math major and fill elective credits with courses in […]

Balancing the Budget (And My Schedule)

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Hello All! This semester, I’m taking my first economics class, which is proving to be an interesting experience. I never realized how detailed the economy is, even if you’re looking at it from a microeconomics standpoint. Keeping track of the different flows of money and products in and out of the system is proving to […]