Netflix Addict: The Sinner

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The Sinner, starring Jessica Biel and Bill Pullman, is hands down one of the most intriguing dramas I have ever watched (and trust me, I have binged a lot of dramas on Netflix).  Not only is it suspenseful, but the story makes so many twists and turns that I was never bored or uninterested.  I […]

Finals Week, a Meme Thread

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Finals Week is approaching, meaning all chaos is about to set in. You totally forgot it was coming didn’t you. via GIPHY You procrastinate studying and just continue your latest binge watch on Netflix. via GIPHY But when you finally crack open your notes it’s like complete gibberish. via GIPHY You forget what days without […]

Technology: Life Enhancing or Inhibiting? Probably Both.

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Evolution is a funny thing. It can change things rapidly – or so slowly – that you don’t even realize it. Technology is a lot like evolution. It can swing one of two ways, either it can rapidly progress or it can move at turtle speeds. Cellphones fall under the category of rapid. Over the […]

Blog: Brace Yourselves

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As Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching, I would like to take a moment and mention what I am most thankful for. I am thankful for all the exams I have had, not only this week, but all of next week as well. I am thankful for my family for going on vacation without me. Lastly, […]

Thanks for giving me a break… a guide to staying on campus

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My family has this tradition where every year we forget the cranberry sauce. Every year since I was six years old we have forgotten to put the cranberry sauce out for people to eat. It just sits in the refrigerator till someone sees it and then it is too late. This year will be different […]

5 Shows Every College Student Should be Watching Right Now

1935 Views 0 Comment
We recently ran a piece about the “10 Movies Every College Student Should See” which is well worth the read. Shameless promotion of other Edge material aside, it inspired me to come up with a list of all the current TV programming that college students (and anyone else) should be watching. I’ve focused on shows […]

The wise guys of “A Little Nonsense”

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I like to throw a theme behind my writing, especially when it comes to my blogs and features here at Edge Magazine. Lately, it’s been a theme of mental health and movies, the two things I know best. This week, that theme happens to be a newfound appreciation for theatre. I’ve lately taken a greater […]

4 things I learned from ‘Superheroes’

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Watching vigilantes run around in homemade suits and chase bad guys sounds like a great use of a weekday night to me, so a I couldn’t pass up “Superheroes,” a documentary on Netflix about real-life superheroes. However, these heroes were different than I expected in a number of ways. I learned that: 1. Having a […]

The Netflix binge

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Netflix. We all use it (if you don’t, you may not be a real person), and we all love it (see previous parenthesis). But how has Netflix changed the way that college students watch TV? Well, to begin, it allows them to actually stay current with their favorite shows. Let’s go back a few years […]

Prep U for GU: Residence Hall Survival Guide

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From living in a residence hall to studying on campus, we’re covering it all. The Edge staff has you covered. After all, we’ve been in your shoes! Moving into a residence hall – whether suite-style or dorm-style – takes some adjusting. Don’t worry, we’ve lived there and have some tips for a smooth transition.