N is for Nash

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Whether you need some research help, want to grab a DVD for the night or just want to find a good book to read, the Nash Library is the place to be. After being completed in the fall of 1972, the library was dedicated on September 5, 1973. It was later named the Nash Library […]

Locking myself in to study — literally

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It’s no secret that I’m kind of nerdy. I’m relatively smart, interested in science fiction and theatre, and I read all the Harry Potter books. Yet even with all my inherent nerdiness, I managed to achieve a new level of nerddom. I got locked in the library.

Testing limits in the final stretch

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As a freshman, I have recently experienced what has been the most testing time of my college life thus far, no pun intended. The final exams themselves aren’t really the most terrible part; the anticipation I have for them is much worse. These are professors you may not know very well giving you an exam […]

GU students set new goals for new year

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It’s a new year and a fresh start for students at GU. Many students have some ideas as to what they would like to accomplish in the second semester. Take a look at what students have their minds set on for the spring. King Fatumbi, freshman mechanical engineering major: One of my goals is to […]

Prep U for GU: Student Success Guide

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For many students, one of the biggest challenges of going to college is the transition from a high school class load to the demands of college classes. Everything from how to study to whether or not to buy, rent, keep or sell back textbooks can create a stressful situation if you’re uninformed on the ins […]

The Finals Countdown: Commuter Students Prep for Exams

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Finals week is quickly approaching here at GU, and students across campus have already begun preparing for tests. We asked a few commuter students how they prefer to prepare for their finals. Chris Sambuchin, freshman, sports management and marketing: “I think it’s more distracting to study at home because I have the TV, a car […]

10 Ways to Enjoy a Stress-Free Finals Week

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With finals week quickly approaching, we thought it was a good time to dole out some useful tips on how to stay stress free as the semester winds down. It’s wonderfully exciting to look forward to the classroom-free days of summer, but that can also make it hard to stay focused in school. Follow these […]

Freshman Year… That Was Fast!

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A lot of new experiences come with being a freshman in college. Since we just had Advising Day last week, I’ve been looking back at what I’ve done in my first two semesters here at Gannon. It’s hard to believe I already picked classes for my sophomore year – I feel like I just came […]

Study Like a Champ

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The pressure of making new friends and adjusting to a roommate combined with the seemingly-endless freedom that college provides can tempt some students to push studying to the recesses of their minds… But not the successful students. The ones that are able to navigate the first few hectic weeks of college are the students that […]

Inside Gannon: Waldron Campus Center

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Wonder where GU students gather to eat, study and hang out between classes? Check out the video below as Edge contributor David Reichard takes you inside the Waldron Campus Center, the heart of Gannon’s campus. Check out other videos here. David has a new blog, Learning to Teach: Inside Education.