Sarah’s Big Plans and Big Screen Adventures

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I cannot believe it’s already July. Soon enough, my family and I will be on a week-long vacation to the Outer Banks in NC, and I’ll be packing everything that I need so I’m ready to move back to Gannon’s campus. However, there’s still a lot going on before either of these events, so I’m […]

Freshman Bio Class Lands Me a Job

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After a month of looking for a job, I am finally employed. I applied virtually everywhere. If a place had a “We’re hiring” sign, you can bet I walked in and got an application. And if a place didn’t, I probably walked in and asked for one anyway.

David’s Cool Tech Job and Advice for New Freshmen

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Happy summer vacation everyone! I have been having such a great summer so far. I went to my third and last prom with my girlfriend who just graduated high school. I was really excited to see her and my family after ending the semester for the summer. I was especially excited not to have to […]

Kim’s Summer = Work, Intern, Beach, Repeat

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Hey Guys! I’m glad it’s summertime — I am happy to be done with classes for a few months. Junior year was definitely tough, but I learned so much in the past year and have really grown as a person and a future nurse. I had two weeks of free time before I started my […]

Summer in Pittsburgh, Semester in Paris

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It’s great to be home in Pittsburgh for the summer. Though I’ve only been home for a short while, summer has gotten off to a great start.  As your school year comes to an end, I’m sure you’re also ready to take a break from your school work for a few months. Even though I’m […]

Friends, France and a Summer Job

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Summer is finally here for Gannon students. Though it may seem like summer came too fast as we get ready to end the year and go home, we’re all ready for a much needed break from the daily stresses that accompany schoolwork and activities. I’m especially excited to have free time without looming deadlines or commitments. […]

Nursing Internship Success at St. Vincent

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I recently found out I have been offered the internship I wrote about in my last blog! I first heard about the St. Vincent internship when I was a freshman nursing student. A lot of the older nursing students talked about applying for it, and how it was a great opportunity for the summer before senior […]