New Year, New Opportunities at the RWC

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The 2017 Spring Semester is now underway here at Gannon University; have you been living up to your New Year’s Resolutions? Good for U – Gannon University’s wellness initiative – wants you to forget the hype of New Year’s Resolutions, and set a goal instead! A New Year’s Resolution is typically an idea or desire […]

Pre-Occupied: Long distance friendships

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Throughout your college career, you will encounter people that will help you in your transition to adulthood. These are the people you will basically spend your entire daily life with; they’re the ones you call when you got that job interview, they’re a shoulder to lean on when you get dumped. They’ll support you at […]

Staying connected: Tweeting and twittering

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Twitter. It seems appropriate enough for me to write about something I use every day. When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to write about, I tweeted for suggestions. Various people answered with all kinds of suggestions, and then it hit me. Why not write about Twitter? When it comes to social […]

Text my Facebook and tweet me on Google+

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Dear [Redacted] readers: Thank you for trying to get in touch with me. Unfortunately, you failed to follow protocol. I’ve come up with a list of digital prioritization to let people know how to contact me (or really anyone). Phone call: Only use this if a) you’re dying, b) you need something right this second […]

Photo of the Week: Books, and pencils, and teddy bears, oh my!

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The Gannon University bookstore has school supplies, living necessities, and of course, books, as well as gifts for students to send to loved ones, including these spirited teddy bears! This photo came from Instagram user kaylin3135. Got a great shot for Edge? Tweet it @GannonU or @GannonEdge or tag us @GannonU on Instagram!

The Chronicles of Kip Saltsman: Part 1

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The Edge staffers are conducting a little experiment. We’re producing an epic story, with each staffer supplying a piece of the story in their medium of choice. We start with social media editor Michael Haas, who gets the story going via Twitter.


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As many students head out of town for Spring Break, some may pass this sign inside the Erie International Airport. The sign, posted near baggage claim, greets travelers as they arrive in Erie (Submitted via Twitter by @lo_myrick). Got a great shot for Edge? Tweet it @GannonU or @GannonEdge!

Four point O-verconfident

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4.0 is the sum of 3.0 and 1.0, and also 2.0 and 2.0, and also 1.7 and 2.3, and also a lot of hard work. It’s also the GPA my dad and I agreed I needed to get for the remainder of my time at Gannon. It’s also the GPA I got last semester. This […]

Photo of the Week: Thinking about Christmas

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All of Gannon is getting decorated for the holidays and the various departments are no exception. The psychology lounge is decked out in snowflakes, presents and its very own Christmas tree! Want to see your photo here? You can submit them by posting them on Gannon’s Facebook page. You can also use Twitter or Instagram to […]

Photo of the Week: Cocoa in the cold

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The holidays are coming and the temperature is falling. After walking from class to class in the cold, there’s no better way to warm up than with a cup of hot chocolate. This photo comes from Instagram user @irachelloves. Want to see your photo here? You can submit them by posting them on Gannon’s Facebook page. […]