U is for undecided/undeclared

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When you’re just starting out in college, it’s normal to be a little uncertain where you’re headed career-wise. In fact, 80 percent of college-bound students have yet to pick a major, and half who do choose one end up switching at least once, according to MSNBC. For those who aren’t quite ready to commit, Gannon […]

Delta Sigma Phi Brothers Make Spring Break Plans

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With spring break coming up in about a week, many students have begun making plans for a relaxing week away from classes and homework. The brothers of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity shared their plans with us. Shawn Hogue, sophomore biology/pre-med major “I am planning on spending my spring break with my family. I always […]

Student Voices: Where Is Your Favorite Place to Go in Erie?

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For fun, food, music or the bare necessities, GU students know where to go to get what they need. Check out the rundown as we ask: Where is your favorite place to go in Erie? Joe Witkowski, sophomore sport and exercise science major: “Forward Hall is my favorite place to go in Erie, because they […]