Goodbye, Erie. Aloha, vacation!

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Getting to travel is always a privilege, especially if that trip is for leisure. Possibly one of the best vacations I’ve ever had was this past winter break, when I had the chance to visit my aunt and uncle in Kaneohe, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. I had been there with my family before, for […]

Taking five at the happiest place on Earth

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For the last few weeks I have had what may be the most annoying song stuck in my head. Over and over the chorus of the Disney staple “It’s a Small World” has pounded its way into my skull without ceasing. Why, you might ask? Because for the first time in a long time, I […]

Fire up the DeLorean — Summer's flying by

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It’s July now. It seems like the time is flying by during this summer vacation. Before I know it, I will be back up at school doing everything again. Now, I know that we don’t have classes during summer, at least I’m not taking any, but I still have lots of stuff I have been […]

Packing at the Last Minute? You’re Not Alone…

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As you’re reading this, I am lying on the beach in the Outer Banks, enjoying the sun and a good book. Alright, I’m not. I’m probably scrambling like a mad person trying to fit every last possible thing into my suitcases. Yes, multiple suitcases—because I’m not just packing for vacation, I’m also packing up my […]

Sarah’s Big Plans and Big Screen Adventures

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I cannot believe it’s already July. Soon enough, my family and I will be on a week-long vacation to the Outer Banks in NC, and I’ll be packing everything that I need so I’m ready to move back to Gannon’s campus. However, there’s still a lot going on before either of these events, so I’m […]