Found primarily on the first floor of the Zurn Science Center, Dr. Nicholas Conklin is an assistant professor in the physics department. Whether he’s in the classroom breaking down “Hollywood physics” or in the lab explaining force and momentum of “frictionless” carts, Dr. Conklin shares his love of physics with students. Let’s find out all about him.
Hometown: Adrian, Mich.
High school: Lenawee Christian School
Favorite movie(s): “Star Wars” (original trilogy) and “Lord of the Rings”
Favorite TV show(s): “Chuck”
Top track on my iPod: “Graniteville” by Doug Burr
Favorite sports team(s): Michigan Wolverines
Something I love to do: Play video games
Fantasy job: Teaching physics
If I could have dinner with any three people, living or deceased, I’d pick: Both of my grandfathers, who I never met, and maybe C.S. Lewis (but not at the same time).
If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d live: Someplace warm with no snakes, spiders or natural disasters. Unicorns would be a plus.
Something about me people would be surprised to know: I don’t drink coffee.
Something I collect: Physics books
If I were an animal, I’d be: Sea turtle
If I were a superhero, my superpower would be: Eating as much as I want without gaining weight or having poor cholesterol.
Favorite place on campus: In the classroom
Favorite place in Erie: Presque Isle
Favorite food: Chocolate cake
Somebody I admire at Gannon: Dr. Phil Kelly. He is good-natured, intelligent, cares deeply about what he does and is equally respected by his students and fellow faculty/staff/administration.