New situations are usually intimidating. Whether it’s a class or a job, you sometimes don’t know what to expect at all.

Because this is my senior year, I wasn’t expecting to have too many new and scary situations thrown at me. Until, I had an internship interview.

I previously worked a summer internship at a non-profit organization, but this one would be different. I would be doing important business tasks, not just running errands or messing around. I would be expected to act professionally, and learn my co-workers. I was expecting the same seriousness from the office environment in return.

Needless to say, having the interview threw me through a loop. Everyone but me was calm and happy, and they actually seemed interested in what I had to say, despite my nervous, rapid-paced speech.  A few days later, I received a call confirming I got the internship! – Cue celebratory screaming and dancing around my (thankfully empty) apartment.

The first few days on the job were certainly an adjustment. I abruptly halved my free time, causing me to rethink and reorganize my study habits. I also quickly learned what was expected of me at the internship, including operating new computer programs and systems.

What had potential to be a daunting and almost impossible task, was made much, much easier by the welcoming environment of the office. Everyone I work with has made sure to introduce themselves to me, and make small-talk about my studies at the very least. The women I work with directly have no issues answering any questions I may have, and are always there to help and explain the inside scoop on the system.

The company I work for focuses on logistics and moving cargo around the world. I work mostly with exports, making sure that everything gets to where it needs to be. Sometimes, this means a lot of time in the filing room, but the other information I am learning more than makes up for that.

Working in logistics enables you to contact and build relationships with people from all over the world and from every different kind of culture. It’s not rare to hear conversations in more than one language at a time in my office, which I think is really cool.

While working in this field may not exactly be what I want to do with my life, I am really enjoying every minute of this internship. Hopefully, only good things will continue to come from this experience!

Talk to you soon,
