Grab Some Grub using your GU Gold!

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  If there is anything that I love to do it’s eat. There are so many different flavors and combinations to try that I can never settle on just one place to grab lunch. As a college student, I don’t always have a lot of money to be spending on food, so a bite to […]

Three Events To Get You Out This Fall

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  Being from Erie, I know a little bit about the places I can visit and the events I can attend when I need something to do. If you aren’t from here, you may be a little unsure of what things are going on this time of year. I have curated a list of three […]

Hints for Happy

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Being happy is the best feeling anyone could have. It gets rid of the negativity in your life and makes you look at things in a much more positive way rather than constantly dragging yourself down. Many people – including myself – have struggled with being happy and just getting to their peak happiness. I […]

Not Your Father’s Bar Crawl

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If you’ve lived in Erie long enough, you’ll know that this town loves its bars. A walk-up State Street will find you at a different bar with every street corner. There’s plenty of beer and bar snacks to please every passing soul—the same could be said for the art scene that is ever-present downtown. Each […]

Welcome to the National Park Nomad!

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My absolute favorite way to pass the time is to go exploring. I will never pass up an opportunity to go hiking, rock climbing, or kayaking, among many other things. I have found that it is the best way for me, personally, to get away from the mess of the world for a little bit […]

5 Ways To Save $$$

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One of the most important – and often stressful – things in life is money. You need it for a variety of things; bills, food, spending money, etc. If only everything in life could be cheap or free, oh what a dream… Anyways, trying to save up money can be hard for people, whether that […]

Gannon Backstage: The Knight Club

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        Last Friday night I went to the Knight Club with a group of friends and we had a great time. The Knight Club is a great place to go if you and your friends are looking for something to do on a Friday or Saturday night. There is live music and […]

Bullet Journal… Why? How?

1385 Views 0 Comment
Over the summer I recently started up a new hobby that really helped me organize myself and time. I picked up this activity that is called a “Bullet Journal”. A Bullet Journal is a wide variety of things, but it is all based on what you want to be written down into your journal. It […]

Find Your FYT at Gannon!

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        No matter what your interests are, there are many FYT groups to choose from during Preview GU. The acronym FYT stands for Find Your Thing. These groups pair people with similar interests together, and they spend two days getting to know each other and making connections. During Preview GU, my FYT […]

Gannon Backstage: Sam Hyman

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This past week I had the amazing opportunity to interview a professor, musician, and faculty member at Gannon University: Sam Hyman. Sam is the director of the Waldron Campus Center where he strives to bring students together, works with APB (the Activities Programming Board) and partners with SGA (the Student Government Association). He also supports […]