With only the memory of spring break, we’re back at Gannon with renewed motivation and focus. Now that midterms are behind us, the end of the semester is in sight, reminding us to keep up the good work and make this first year worthwhile. It’s is crucial to refocus on the courses you’re taking to get the most out of your college experience here at Gannon.
Getting involved with extracurricular activities is a great way to spend some of your rare free time. Figure out how much time you can devote to clubs or organizations, depending on your class load. As always, class comes first. So throughout this semester, get involved if you did not do as much as you wanted last semester. The year will be gone before you know it.
Staying motivated after break and midterms is crucial as well. Just remember that it’s almost over, but not quite.
Good luck, everyone!
Alicia Fassinger