David Kramer is a freshman software engineering major from Vandergrift, Pa. He is a 2010 graduate of Kiski Area High School. Keep up with his blog to get an inside look at the world of software engineering here at Gannon.
Since this is my first blog for Edge, I thought I would share an important experience that I had while deciding to come to Gannon. I have been a computer geek my entire life. Ever since my dad showed me a computer, I was hooked. I was captivated by what could be done on a computer and what could be created using technology.
As the years went by through high school, I knew that when I reached college I wanted some type of major that involved using a computer. I had computer programming classes in high school and did some programming on my own, so I decided that it was the field I wanted to study. However, millions of thoughts kept running through my mind about whether or not I was making the right choice.
After the initial euphoria of realizing that I had decided on my college major, there was certain uneasiness in my thoughts. I knew that I loved to program and write software, but was it a good major? Was I choosing a major that was too specific? I wondered if I should switch to a computer and information systems major. What would the jobs be like for a software engineer? This list went on and on, and I started to worry.
I soon realized though, that when I went to college I could take charge of my own education. I knew if I put forth the effort and studied, I could do anything. This is probably the best advice I could give any incoming freshman. I was uncertain about what I would face at college and panicked about choosing the right major. I mean, in most cases, you’re probably 18 or 19, just coming out of high school, and the world expects you to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. I can tell you right now that it may seem scary to choose a major this early, but it will be all right. I have almost completed an entire year of college, and I haven’t lost my sanity.
I have learned a lot, and that comes from having the motivation to study and learn. I am confident that I can do anything that I put my mind and heart to. You will learn all you need to obtain a successful career related to your major. Confidence is key. In college, you have control of your education, so you can make the best of it.
College is a chance for you to choose a major that is related to the career you want to pursue. I don’t think I’ve been so excited to learn before. And plus, Gannon is a great school. The professors are amazing people, and I’m glad that I chose to come here. Remember, you can make it if you put for the effort and apply yourself. All you have to do is try.
If you have any questions about Gannon or software engineering let me know!
-David Kramer