Wordplay in the workplace

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On Nov. 3, 2010, I published a blog here on Edge called “Wordplay: I Love My Major, Write or Wrong.” More than two years later, I’m happy to report that this statement still holds true (if you substitute “Job” for “Major,” that is). I graduated from Gannon in the spring of 2011 with a degree […]

What I did with a BA (and MA) in English

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Amidst all the warnings, I became an English major. English majors aren’t real majors, they scoffed. Why are you majoring in the language you’ve spoken for 18 years? they questioned. Print media’s dead, they shouted! There’s no money in a career in writing, they whispered. Don’t go swimming for 15 minutes after eating, they purported. […]

What 30 refugees taught me

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When you become a tour guide, you gain another title: storyteller. I tell stories about Gannon, but I also hear new stories about people – what students have done, what they are doing now and their future plans. As I hear these stories, I learn more about the people who are touring. Recently I gave […]

5 things to know about sports management and marketing

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Sports management and marketing is a package major at Gannon. It not only provides terrific insight on the sports industry, but applies it to business practice. After interviewing several students in the major, here are five things to know about SM: 1. An SM degree gives sports fans an opportunity to take their passion beyond […]

7 ways to succeed at the admissions process

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It’s a scary thing to sit down at your computer and fill out your first college application. It’s a huge step in your life and a decision that should not be made lightly. Here are a few hints to help you master the admissions process: 1. Narrow your list. It’s very time-consuming – not to […]

Minor considerations after a major change

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I’m halfway through my first semester as a psychology major and things are going really well. I’m getting all A’s and loving my classes, teachers and classmates. And at this point, most people are aware of my switch, so I’m no longer being asked, “Wait, aren’t you a biology major?” But that question’s been replaced […]

PA majors show unity and generosity in GUSPAS

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Gannon has many clubs just for certain majors, such as the Gannon University Society of Physician Assistant Students – GUSPAS for short. GUSPAS creates unity within the physician assistant major and career, often through service projects.  Members volunteer together on GIVE Day, participate in the Christmas Angel Program and form a team for Relay for […]

5 things to know about theatre and communication arts

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Theatre and communication arts (T-Comm) is a major at Gannon with an incredible amount of variety. T-Comm students share a love of drama and the drive to work in the media or public relations. Here are five interesting tidbits about T-Comm at Gannon: 1. Students take a number of hands-on production classes, such as Digital […]

U is for undecided/undeclared

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When you’re just starting out in college, it’s normal to be a little uncertain where you’re headed career-wise. In fact, 80 percent of college-bound students have yet to pick a major, and half who do choose one end up switching at least once, according to MSNBC. For those who aren’t quite ready to commit, Gannon […]

NEW BLOG: Technically Speaking w/ David Kramer

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David Kramer is a freshman software engineering major  from Vandergrift, Pa. He is a 2010 graduate of Kiski Area High School. Keep up with his blog to get an inside look at the world of software engineering here at Gannon. Since this is my first blog for Edge, I thought I would share an important […]