How to Celebrate Halloween on Campus

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Celebrating Halloween is almost considered a sacred task nowadays. There are the costumes, the candy, and that’s all without mentioning scary movies. If you do not celebrate the whole month of October as the Halloween season, are you even a person? Being a student is hard enough, but to factor in being a broke college […]

Pre-Occupied: Top 5 for Fall

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Real talk: fall means the return of good, meaningful entertainment. Gone are the days of vapid summer blockbusters and mushy beach reads. The change of season goes hand in hand with the return of pop culture staples. Here are my top five choices of upcoming books, movies, music and television, guaranteed to keep you cozy […]

Trampled by the season

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The word(s): The (real) most wonderful time of the year November is my favorite month. For me, November means comfort food – mashed potatoes and gravy, apple pie, peppermint hot chocolate. It means fleece jackets and fuzzy toe socks and electric blankets. And with the biting chill of winter, November brings television sweeps, during which […]

Students fall in love with GU

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Midterms are over and fall break is finally here! So we asked a few students, “What’s your favorite part of fall at Gannon?” Rachel Simmons, sophomore nursing major:  I love Gannon autumns because I feel so much excitement. All of the sports teams are basically starting up and football is in full swing. It’s hard […]

The great pumpkin (and my musings on fall)

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The change of seasons is so clearly evident, so ingrained in the psyche of human experience, we as a collective culture should never be surprised by it. We all know that it’s going to happen and we have all experienced it numerous times. Yet when it comes time for summer to disappear into the shifting […]

7 ways to make the most of fall break

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After hitting the books hard for over a month, college students enjoy a break. At Gannon, fall break runs Oct. 10-14. Here are seven ideas for unwinding during your time off: 1. Catch a game.  Whether you are at home or at Gannon, there are plenty of fall sports to check out.  Go to a […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Fall Traditions and Fringe

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With the fall semester well under way, now is a good time to take a look at not only what Gannon did over the summer, but how we are kicking off the fall semester to make this year the best year yet. Here are a few links to give you a little bit of insight […]

Prep U for GU: Commuting to College

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Although many college students take the giant leap away from home to pursue their education, a lot of us also prefer to stay close to home. Gannon is just 20 miles away from my house. There are some obvious benefits to commuting — like saving on room and board. But there are some cons, too. […]