Gannon’s Gulf Coast Guide: Summer in the South

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With its palm trees and sunshine all year round, the Ruskin campus is spoiled with summer weather for most of the school year, but the hard work doesn’t stop. For the first time in a year, the students and faculty were able to have a bit of a break while still focusing on laying the […]

On Ghostbusters and the Importance of Reboots

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The internet can be a horrible place. These words, no doubt, have been written before, and I can guarantee they will be written again. After all, for every wonderful site (like ours for example) dedicated to your favorite genre of music or, yes, pictures of baby animals (which the internet will never get over – […]

Playlist: Sounds of the Edge Office

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Ah, the Edge office – she is a merciless beast. Much like the sea, she giveth and taketh away (deadlines and content ideas, respectively). Okay, so it’s really not bad at all, and I don’t know why I’m talking like a sea captain, but things can get stressful around here! Anytime one of us is […]

Edge is a proud part of the #GannonFamily

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For the full article (and #GannonFamily videos), visit the June 2016 issue of Gannon Magazine:  “Over the years of asking students and other Gannon University community members what makes Gannon special, an expression is frequently used: “Gannon is a family.” As Gannon University alumni, students, faculty and staff sit around their family dinner tables they should always be reminded that they will also […]

Gig Life: Six days on the road with Aaron Mook

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Following the last semester of my junior year I was given the truly excellent opportunity to sell merch for my friends in local post-rock band Frame and Mantle on their six-day east coast tour. Together, we drove miles and miles in a packed van to five different cities, crashing on acquaintances’ couches and checking out […]

VIDEO: GU Schuster Theatre 16-17 Season

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Meet Alaina Manchester, Visiting Professor of Theatre and Father Shawn Clerkin, Director of Theatre here at GU as they introduce the exciting 2016-2017 Schuster Theatre season! FALL 2016 FORTUNATE VICTORY, by Alex Clemente and Shawn Clerkin, directed by Shawn Clerkin. Originally produced during the Perry 200 celebrations, the Schuster Theatre has been invited by the Flagship Niagara/Niagara […]

Teaching with interruptions

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It all begins with a plan. I had a lesson coming up the next day, and I planned one I was absolutely proud of. I incorporated a technique I saw in a video I was just dying to try, and found a way to include puppets in another. If I’d thought of a great lesson, […]