Finals Week, a Meme Thread

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Finals Week is approaching, meaning all chaos is about to set in. You totally forgot it was coming didn’t you. via GIPHY You procrastinate studying and just continue your latest binge watch on Netflix. via GIPHY But when you finally crack open your notes it’s like complete gibberish. via GIPHY You forget what days without […]

Playlist: Finals Week 2017

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All right, I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I’ve had so much fun writing this semester, but it’s time for this semester to come to an end. The end of the semester equals finals week, which we all love so much. Music is the only thing that has saved me during finals, so […]

Finals Week Playlist: Alright

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  It’s almost the end. Summer awaits. But first you have to get through the gauntlet of finals week. Everyone has different ways of dealing with the stress and making it through. If you’re like me, you deal with it through music. You spend all week with headphones in, bumping whatever songs make you feel […]

Don’t panic!

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As of last night, I have had exactly two panic attacks in my life. The first one displayed the normal symptoms: shortness of breath, a racing heart and feeling faint. Yesterday’s attack was much more serious. I woke up with this overwhelming sense of dread that failed to leave my stomach for the rest of […]

Tips for making the homestretch

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Easter break came at the perfect time this year- right in the middle of April, now we have a little over a week left of class and then finals week! Here are a few tips to get you through the rest of the year strong: Make time for breaks! Schedule 10-minute breaks when you’re studying […]

4 steps to surviving the classic ‘all-nighter’

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If it hasn’t happened to you yet, just wait; avoidable by some and a bad idea for all, the all-nighter is a very real possibility for any prospective college students. What I attempt to do here is provide you with a helpful guide to making it through the non-fun version of this common late-night challenge. […]

Finals schedule for spring 2014

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Spring 2014 Final Exam Schedule            Monday, May 5    8:30 – 10:30 For MWF Classes that meet at   8:00 am  11:00 –   1:00 For MWF Classes that meet at 10:10 am    1:30 –   3:30 For MWF Classes that meet at   1:25 pm    4:00 –   6:00 For MW Classes that meet at   4:30 pm    6:30 […]

@ GU: Admissions and awareness in April

2185 Views 0 Comment
This month brings much more than just the Easter eggs. See what is going on in April @ GU. [youtube_sc url=””]

Testing limits in the final stretch

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As a freshman, I have recently experienced what has been the most testing time of my college life thus far, no pun intended. The final exams themselves aren’t really the most terrible part; the anticipation I have for them is much worse. These are professors you may not know very well giving you an exam […]

GU Speak: MidKnight Pancake Breakfast

2577 Views 0 Comment
If you sit in the library the Sunday right before finals week, you can hear a symphony of sounds: pencils scratching, pages turning, keys clicking and stomachs rumbling. Wait, stomachs rumbling? How are students supposed to study when all they can think about is food? Have no fear, Gannon students! The administration has risen to […]