Finals Week, a Meme Thread

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Finals Week is approaching, meaning all chaos is about to set in. You totally forgot it was coming didn’t you. via GIPHY You procrastinate studying and just continue your latest binge watch on Netflix. via GIPHY But when you finally crack open your notes it’s like complete gibberish. via GIPHY You forget what days without […]

Embracing Intellectual Wellness during Finals Week at GU

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As this semester at Gannon University concludes and finals week approaches, Good for U looks to end 2016 on a note of wellness by reminding the campus community to embrace their intellectual wellness as they prepare for final exams. Intellectual wellness is defined as the ability to open our minds to new ideas by pursuing […]

Preserving your mental health through the stress of finals season

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The atmosphere around this time at most college campuses is one of high stress and busy bodies. This goes for professors and students! It is difficult not to get wrapped up in it and keep a healthy perspective, but taking care of yourself and stepping back to live in the moment is something that is […]

Finals Week Playlist: Alright

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  It’s almost the end. Summer awaits. But first you have to get through the gauntlet of finals week. Everyone has different ways of dealing with the stress and making it through. If you’re like me, you deal with it through music. You spend all week with headphones in, bumping whatever songs make you feel […]

Surviving Group Projects

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‘Tis the season not for jingle bells nor Santa, but for endless projects and assignments. With finals week in sight, you’ve probably got those deadlines for end-of-the-semester projects quickly approaching. If you’re lucky, these are solo assignments, with the only person to blame for being lazy and unmotivated being yourself. Given that the universe is […]

12 ways your life changes when you go to college

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Everyone says these are the best years of your life, and they’re right. College is a great time, but it’s also a big adjustment. Here are 12 ways your life changes when you get to college: 1. You find ways to improvise meals.           Ramen pizza couldn’t be that bad, right? […]

RUNDOWN: Praise, pancakes and pre-finals fun

1988 Views 0 Comment
Monday, Dec. 8: Have some old coats or hats sitting around? Donate them to the Winter Clothing Drive basket in Waldron. The drive runs through Friday. Tuesday, Dec. 9: It’s National Pastry Day! Go ahead, eat that cinnamon roll you’ve been eyeing at the café! Wednesday, Dec. 10: Wintertime means comfort food season. Support the […]

Tips for making the homestretch

1897 Views 0 Comment
Easter break came at the perfect time this year- right in the middle of April, now we have a little over a week left of class and then finals week! Here are a few tips to get you through the rest of the year strong: Make time for breaks! Schedule 10-minute breaks when you’re studying […]

4 steps to surviving the classic ‘all-nighter’

1827 Views 0 Comment
If it hasn’t happened to you yet, just wait; avoidable by some and a bad idea for all, the all-nighter is a very real possibility for any prospective college students. What I attempt to do here is provide you with a helpful guide to making it through the non-fun version of this common late-night challenge. […]

Finals schedule for spring 2014

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Spring 2014 Final Exam Schedule            Monday, May 5    8:30 – 10:30 For MWF Classes that meet at   8:00 am  11:00 –   1:00 For MWF Classes that meet at 10:10 am    1:30 –   3:30 For MWF Classes that meet at   1:25 pm    4:00 –   6:00 For MW Classes that meet at   4:30 pm    6:30 […]