Live from North Carolina: My internship in the arts

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July is usually a weird month for me. It’s the midpoint of summer, so I’m basically ready to go back to school, but I also love the quintessential summer things that all seem to happen in July. My friends and I take trips to a local amusement park, to the pool and downtown to explore […]

Paris rules, but home's nice, too

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I have approximately three weeks left in Paris. Twenty-one days. I don’t really know where all the time has gone. Paris has become my city, a place where I can try new things and explore and live in a way that is so different and exciting from my life in the States. I’ve been so […]

Packing at the Last Minute? You’re Not Alone…

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As you’re reading this, I am lying on the beach in the Outer Banks, enjoying the sun and a good book. Alright, I’m not. I’m probably scrambling like a mad person trying to fit every last possible thing into my suitcases. Yes, multiple suitcases—because I’m not just packing for vacation, I’m also packing up my […]

Friends, France and a Summer Job

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Summer is finally here for Gannon students. Though it may seem like summer came too fast as we get ready to end the year and go home, we’re all ready for a much needed break from the daily stresses that accompany schoolwork and activities. I’m especially excited to have free time without looming deadlines or commitments. […]

Freshman Year… That Was Fast!

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A lot of new experiences come with being a freshman in college. Since we just had Advising Day last week, I’ve been looking back at what I’ve done in my first two semesters here at Gannon. It’s hard to believe I already picked classes for my sophomore year – I feel like I just came […]

Why I Love Learning in Another Language

2010 Views 0 Comment
Getting back into the school routine after a good, relaxing break is difficult. It means you have to get back into the grind of papers, tests and projects for all of your classes. Even though it’s great to go home and see friends and family, I realized when I came back how much I missed […]

Introducing College Inc. w/ Sarah Sgro

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Here at Edge, we’re totally psyched to welcome our newest member of the blogosphere, Sarah Sgro. Sarah is a freshman French/international studies: business major, and she’ll be joining us to give you the inside scoop on the business program here at GU. Hi! I’m Sarah Sgro, and I’m a freshman French/international studies:  business major here […]