Gannon ESL Students Volunteer in Our West Bayfront

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The key word here is ‘immersion.’ Gannon English as a Second Language (ESL) students spent time this summer volunteering in the community, in particular with our neighbors, Our West Bayfront. West BayFit is an activity initiative of Our West Bayfront (OWB) that strives to make a positive impact in the West Bayfront neighborhoods through a […]

One Show in One Day

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The creation of a full-fledged production can range from weeks to years for professionals. Managing to make one in a 24-hour time period isn’t necessarily what anyone would call an easy feat. It’s long and strenuous 24 straight hours where naps don’t really accomplish much more than making you cranky when waking up after only […]

Pre-Occupied: Long distance friendships

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Throughout your college career, you will encounter people that will help you in your transition to adulthood. These are the people you will basically spend your entire daily life with; they’re the ones you call when you got that job interview, they’re a shoulder to lean on when you get dumped. They’ll support you at […]

The double life of a college student

1994 Views 0 Comment
I’ve never really heard someone say, “Man, I’m sure glad break is over. It was just way too long.” To most people break always ends too soon, but I can honestly say that this time around I began to miss school. Sure, parts of school can be a pain – mainly the workload – but […]

Old friends, new friends, fun friends, blue friends

1932 Views 0 Comment
With winter rolling in, I can feel that the semester is almost over, which is equally exciting and frightening. OK, it’s certainly more exciting. But on a serious note, I am faced with the reality that I will return home for Christmas break to all of my high school friends and acquaintances from what seems […]

Embracing the excitement of first semester

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Introducing Edge’s new freshman blogger, Alicia Fassinger. Alicia, a sport and exercise science major from Pittsburgh, will be relating her experiences as a member of Gannon University’s class of 2016. Freshman year of college is one of the most exciting times in someone’s life – or so I’ve heard about a million times now. It is important […]

Chasing the sun (and a '90s band quote)

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There is a small overpass on Interstate 79 that I pass under every time I return to Gannon after a weekend at home. It is not located near any significant cities and is miles from an exit. It was probably made in the ‘80s or ‘90s. It has no structural irregularities and if you were […]

State of Mind: Commuting from Tennessee to Erie

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Introducing Edge’s newest blog, “State of Mind” by Conor Grey, class of 2014. Originally from Smyrna, Tennessee, Conor will be blogging about what it’s like to be attending college far from home. The beginning of the year is always an entertaining time for me. This entertainment is largely derived from the king of all icebreaker […]

7 ways to conquer homesickness

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The first few weeks of college are always tough. Getting used to being away from home and living on campus can be difficult, especially if you’re not local to Erie. Here’s a few suggestions to help you get over homesickness and enjoy your time on campus. 1. Use Skype. Skype is a free video chat […]

Paris rules, but home's nice, too

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I have approximately three weeks left in Paris. Twenty-one days. I don’t really know where all the time has gone. Paris has become my city, a place where I can try new things and explore and live in a way that is so different and exciting from my life in the States. I’ve been so […]